What began as a reaction to the futility of singing modern music which few people wanted to hear, became an on-going project in search of songs written by living composers, which would appeal to a normal audience.
Up until July 31, 2021, I have had many video clips of my performances available on my YouTube channel. They are no longer there, because I couldn't justify their being used to generate revenue, that my composers and I never see.Those same video clips can now be viewed on this site.
- E.A.
- R.B.
- E.B.
- G.B.
- C.B.
- J.B.
- J.B.
- T.B.
- M.B.
- A.C.
- R.C.
- D.C.
- N.C.
- D.C.
- D.D.
- Ja.De.
- J.D.
- P.E.
- C.F.
- E.F.
- F.F.
- D.G.
- K.G.
- D.G.
- A.G.
- M.W.
- M.H.
- P.K.
- P.L.
- D.L.
- I.L.
- C.M.
- P.M.
- N.M.
- R.M.
- L.M.
- D.M.
- M.M.
- N.O.
- R.P.
- M.P.
- R.P.
- B.P.
- M.R.
- M.R.
- T.R.
- R.R.
- J.R.
- J.R.
- A.R.
- V.S.
- M.S.
- R.S.
- J.S.
- D.T.
- W.V.
- G.W.
- J.W.
- R.W.
- A.W.
- S.W.
- D.W.
- D.W.
- T.Y.
Call for Scores
Call for Scores
- For the 2023/2024 Season
- I'm looking for
- Groups of Songs
- up to 20 minutes in length
- written after the year 2015
- texts in English
- for tenor a cappella
- or tenor and piano.
- Deadline
- May 31, 2023.
- Files may be sent to
- gwsings@gregorywiest.com
All Songs
All Songs
- Titles of 348 songs
- from
- 69 composers
- performed between
- 1993 and 2022